"Painting the invisible" is a 27-minute film about the life and art of the Anglo-Danish artist, ArildRosenkrantz, who lived from 1870 to 1964.
The film shows many examples of his work from the years when he studied in Rome, Paris and London and concludes with the extraordinary pastels of the Seven Apocalyptic Seals, inspired and guided by Rudolf Steiner.
A recently discovered audiotape allows us to hear some of Rosenkrantz's thoughts about art. The director of Randers Art Museum, Finn Terman Frederiksen, places him in an art-historical context.
The DVD contains a version in English, Danish and German. It has been produced by Vagn Simonsen, Hans Jørgen Rasmussen and Bente Arendrup.
The Charioteer - the painting on the DVD box - illustrates Plato's description of the nature of the soul as a winged charioteer struggling with his two horses. One is obedient and the other is rebellious, so the charioteer has difficulty controlling them. It is a symbol of the struggle each human being must go through in life.
Price: $18.50, £11.95, DKK 149.00 + postage.
Christiansholms Parkvej 4
DK 2930 Klampenborg
Tel. + 45 39 63 77 72
Rudolf Steiner Bookshop
35 Park Rd, London NW1 6XT , UK
Tel/fax +44 (0)220 7724 7699
Marie Louise Mileck
74540 Hill Rd , Covelo,
CA 95428 , USA
Tel: 707 983 6273